70th Anniversary Highlight: Cindy Griner

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2021 is the Platinum Anniversary of CEF of South Carolina!

One way we’re celebrating is to highlight one of our staff members each week. (You can read more about our 70th Anniversary on our blog here.)


This week, meet Cindy Griner! She is a Ministry Coordinator and the Director of Training here at CEF Greenville. She started out volunteering in 1995 and served in that capacity until joining the staff 10 years later! She actually was quite familiar with CEF—her parents were church-planting missionaries in Brazil and used the CEF curriculum for VBS and children’s church. She started teaching that curriculum when she was only 12 years old. Her favorite part of working with CEF Greenville is teaching. Children, teens, adults—all ages have found their way under Cindy’s tutelage.  All of her favorite memories revolve around being able to lead children to the Savior.

 She tells this story of the adults that had the biggest impact on her as a child:


“My parents had an enormous impact on my life in creating a desire in my heart to serve the Lord. At ages 3 & 4 I was encourage to sing about Jesus in front of churches. From 5-11 I helped with church planting by handing out invitations, folding tracts, coloring visuals, etc. From 12-18 I had my own Sunday School class and helped with all kinds of other children’s activities. At 12 I was encourage to start ventriloquism and was able to use that often in church planting. As a teen I engaged the teens at work and school and saw many come to know the Lord as Savior and are still serving Him today. Another way of encouraging service was spending family time together around Scripture and a serious Scripture Memory focus from age 4-18. All the verses I remember today were those learned as a child. I thank the Lord for the legacy my parents gave me! “
